Dorcas Adodo


A Day in the Life: Dorcas Adodo, PCT


The first-ever winner of the BEE Award for outstanding PCTs, and member of the PCT council, Dorcas Adodo is a native of Lagos, Nigeria.

"I came to the U.S. to follow my passion for helping people," Dorcas said. "My favorite part about working at Shirley Ryan 汤头条app is my 20th Floor team and what we do for patients. I like to call this place a 'miracle center.'"

Read below to learn what a typical day is like for Dorcas.

5 a.m.


I wake up, meditate and say my morning prayers. I pray for myself, my family, and everyone I will be working with — patients and staff — throughout the day. Then, I shower and pack my stuff for the day. I prepare food for my family, along with my meals to take to work. I leave my house around 6.

7 a.m.


I arrive at work. I go to the locker room, punch in and say good morning to my coworkers. The night-shift PCTs and nurses give me reports on patients I will be working with during my shift today. Then, I go around to my patients' rooms. One of my patients is very excited to see me after I was off for two days — it made my day! She is doing great. I love seeing a patient who was very sick being able to get up and walk by the end of their time here.

My favorite part about working at Shirley Ryan 汤头条app is my 20th Floor team and what we do for patients. I like to call this place a 'miracle center'.


7:30 a.m.


I start to get patients ready for their therapies. I ask them how their nights were and if they need anything today. I always ask what they would like to wear for the day so that we can get organized. I help get them set up for breakfast.

9 a.m.


This is a rush hour, with many patients starting their therapies. I love the 20th Floor team because we all work together during these busy times to make sure the patients can get the most out of their days. I help get the patients’ rooms organized and the linens changed while they are in therapy. I notice in a patient's room that the new drawsheet was not being used. These new drawsheets are better for patients because they make them more comfortable and can help lower the risk of pressure ulcers. I have been trying to help educate my coworkers about the benefits of the new drawsheets so I can advocate for patients.

11 a.m.


I take patients' vital signs and blood sugars. This is an important time during the day to check in with my nurses and go over updates on our patients.

1 p.m.


This is often the busiest time of the day for patients. Many have therapy after lunch, and we have to get everyone ready. We make sure to show everyone love at this time.

2:30 p.m.


It's now time for my lunch break.

3 p.m.


Today, I was asked by the house supervisor if I would be able to stay until 7 p.m. to help out, so I float to the 25th Floor. I like helping on other floors sometimes, so I can experience working with different patient populations and work with new staff. Normally, I’m scheduled for two 8-hour shifts and two 12-hour shifts per week, but I love my job so much that I often end up staying for 12 hours on my 8-hour days!

7 p.m.


The night shift team has arrived. I give my change-of-shift report and leave around 7:30.

8:15 p.m.


I'm home in time for a small meal with my family.

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