Patient at Shirley Ryan 汤头条app doing rehabilitation with their care team


What to Expect During Your Stay

Initial Evaluations & Patient Schedule


The day you arrive, you will meet with a nurse and doctor who will complete your first assessments.

Therapy will begin the second day of your stay. At this time, your therapy team will conduct your initial evaluations. Your team may include a physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech-language pathologist and/or psychologist.

A care manager will also meet with you within the first three days of your stay.

Each evening, you will receive your schedule for the next day. You will get the most out of being here by doing the best you can in each therapy session. It is our expectation that you will participate in all of your scheduled therapies to the best of your abilities.

With the help of your nurse or patient care technician, our Up and Ready Program is designed to assure you are on time to each therapy session.

Care Rounds


Our staff will make care visits (or “rounds”) every day so that you get the best care and assistance — and to keep your family informed and involved. You will be visited by one of your caregivers:

? Approximately every hour during the day, from 6 am to 10 pm

? Approximately every two hours overnight, from 10 pm to 6 am

What to Bring


We recommend the following: 

  •  Comfortable, breathable exercise clothing that allows full mobility and maximum flexibility
  • Loose fitting or elastic pants (preferred to shorts) and comfortable gym shoes that fit appropriately
  • Toiletries
  • Photo ID and insurance card 

Bedside Report


When nurses change shifts, the nurse who is leaving will report to the nurse taking over — right at your bedside.  She or he will introduce you to the nurse coming on shift, review your goals and ensure that you feel comfortable.

Bathroom Assistance


When you need to use the bathroom, please remember to ask for assistance by using the call-light button. Accommodations are made for those who cannot use the traditional call-light button. For your safety, staff may be required to stay in the bathroom with you. Showers will usually be scheduled every other day in the evenings. You can discuss your schedule with your nurse.

Family Participation & Caregiver Education


We strongly encourage family members to come to your therapy sessions and to be present when you receive nursing care. Involvement in these activities is important because it will help your family feel comfortable as you gain independence and plan to go home or to your next level of care. 



To get the most out of daily therapy sessions, please wear athletic shoes and exercise clothing that allow maximum flexibility and comfort. If you didn’t bring appropriate clothing, please ask a family member or friend to bring some to you.

Food Services & Dietary Needs


A catering associate will visit you every morning to take your order for your meals that day or for the next day. If you have any dietary restrictions, your doctor will add these to the order.

Outside Appointments


We are committed to providing you with the best care and experience while you are with us. Should you have an appointment that is medically necessary or supports your rehabilitation goals, staff members will help you get to the appointment. We will work with you to reschedule any routine appointments (e.g., doctors, clinics, dentists, etc., outside our hospital) until you are discharged.

Patient & Family Housing


There are many convenient, accessible housing options in the neighborhood available to out-of-town patients and families regardless of level or type of care.

Your health is our focus


Our hospital is a drug-free, alcohol-free, smoke-free, firearm-free facility; this policy includes all outdoor gardens. Please note, smoking is not allowed within 50 feet of any building entrance, as required by Illinois law.

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