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Real-Time Mobile Cognitive Assessments for Stroke Rehabilitation


This research project will look at the use of mobile cognitive assessments (MCAs) as complementary tools to traditional neuropsychological assessments with the potential to change the way research is conducted for persons after stroke and, ultimately, others with neurological conditions.

Conducting traditional cognitive assessments can be difficult due to the high costs associated with in-person assessment. In addition, subtle cognitive deficits, such as those often observed in mild stroke, are difficult to detect with single-administration neuropsychological tests. A pilot project by the researchers indicates that smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is a feasible method for measuring real-world function. They believe that the coupling of EMA and MCAs could have significant implications for large-scale studies to obtain cognitive phenotypes and study their impact on real-world function.

The researchers will validate a battery of repeatable, brief MCAs (inhibition, working memory, task switching), designed to be self-administered via smartphone, in a sample of community-dwelling persons after stroke (Aim 1) and conduct interviews and implementation measures to assess perceptions of rehabilitation stakeholders on adopting the technology as a digital monitoring tool (Aim 2). This project will develop a technology to better characterize inter- and intra-individual variability in cognition. Results will provide a foundation for improvements in cognitive testing in large-scale studies.

(C-STAR) Pilot Project Program, National Institutes of Health (NIH) (NICHD/NCMRR & NINDS), USA (7/1/21-6/30/22, NCE: 6/30/23, C-STAR Award #: P2CHD101899, PIs: William Zev Rymer & Richard L. Lieber, Sub-Award PI: Alex Wong).



  • Elizabeth G.S. Munsell, Quoc Bui, Katherine J. Kaufman, Stephanie E. Tomazin, Bridget A. Regan, Eric J. Lenze, Jin-Moo Lee, David C. Mohr, Mandy W.M. Fong, Christopher L. Metts, Vy Pham & Alex W.K. Wong (2024) , Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, Jan. 2024.


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