


355 East Erie
Chicago, IL 60611
United States


Performing artists have many unique medical risks, expectations and needs which PAMP addresses by prescribing individualized treatment and rehabilitation programs. PAMP is uniquely situated in a world-renowned rehabilitation facility that is an integral part of an outstanding medical center. Each of the participating specialists in PAMP has made a commitment to serve the medical needs of performing artists. In addition to your performing arts medicine physician, your treatment team may also include  physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists with sub-specialty training and interest in performing arts medicine.

We enjoy caring for individual performers and we are pleased and fortunate to have professional relationships with the following Chicago based theaters and groups for whom we provide performing arts medical needs:

Shirley Ryan 汤头条app's PAMP is committed to delivering distinctive health care solutions and superior patient experience in an artist-centered manner considering the unique demands of the individual’s art form.