60 Results
rainbow moutain pine trees

Listing: Cancer Resources for Patients and Families

The listing of cancer resources consists of information on resources related to diagnosis, treatment, and next stages.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

purple and white Access Living logo image

Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago

Access Living is one of the leading independent living centers in the country and is located in Chicago, Illinois. It is a nonresidential advocacy center for people in Chicago with all types of disabilities. It expands services to include self advocacy, housing discrimination and domestic violence issues.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

augmentative communication board

Listing: Augmentative and Alternative Communication

This resource provides a listing of augmentative alternative communication (AAC)resources to assist people to find support and alternative communication devices available to use when unable to speak on their own.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item


Air Travel Tips for People with Disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) have helped make transportation services for people with disabilities accessible. This includes airports and aircraft carriers.

Media Type

Info Sheet

LifeCenter Item

two kids, one with hand crutches

Cerebral Palsy - What's Next in Childhood Diagnosis

Cerebral Palsy resource for parents of children, teens, and young adults and helps parents know more about what to expect in a childhood diagnosis of CP- cerebral palsy. We have put together a list of resources to assist in the understanding and progression of raising a child with Cerebral Palsy.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

compass on map

Listing: Travel Organizations

A listing of travel organizations that offer trips and tours for people with disabilities on an individual and group basis.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

photo of the members of the adaptive sports wheelchair cubs

Listing: Adaptive Sports Resources

A list of adaptive sports companies, organizations and venues, to assist people with a disability to engage in recreational sports or sports fitness while expanding their social network.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

Flag and sunset with clouds and grass

Listing: Military and Veteran Resources

This is a list of resources for active military and veterans for support, financial assistance, and health benefits.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

sky header

My Journey with ALS: an Occupational Therapist’s Story

This is a story about an Occupational Therapist, Chris jash, and her living with ALS. Chris passed away in 2015. We mourn her passing, but keep this posting for its insights about living with a disability.

Media Type

Info Sheet

LifeCenter Item

Mountains Lake Header

Listing: Parkinson's Disease - Resources

There are many Parkinson's Disease community resources that can assist you in learning about the disease, other movement disorders, general medical issues, the latest research, and local support groups.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item