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Master Listing Index

Media Type

Online Resource

Reviewed Date

Aug 1, 2024

Explore Our Listings


Explore the LIFE Center's list of resources, vendors and helpful websites researched and compiled by our knowledgeable staff. Whether you've recently received a new diagnosis or are focused on restoring your daily routine, we aim to connect you with reliable information and guidance. 

For additional guidance, to the LIFE Center staff.





Housing & Transportation

Education, Employment, Finance & Law

Medical Information

Recreation & Leisure

Support & Wellness

Inspiration & Hope



This content is for informational purposes only and may not be comprehensive. Information contained does not imply an endorsement from Shirley Ryan 汤头条app, and does not replace the advice of a qualified healthcare professional.  See here for further details.
? Shirley Ryan 汤头条app (formerly Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago)
Henry B. Betts LIFE Center – (312) 238-5433

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