25 Results
Justice Law architecture

Listing: Legal Firms

This listing of legal firms is to assist in all areas of access, housing rights, and disputes for people with a disability in Chicago and neighboring areas including organizations such as Access Living and Equip for Equality that advocate for civil rights of all.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

yellow toy ambulance

Listing: Medical ID Bracelets

American Medical ID provides medical ID bracelets, necklaces and medallions to assist persons in a emergency. IDs can be customized highlighting key information that can help others assist a person with a disability or chronic illness.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

disability icon symbols for support

Listing: Support Groups at Shirley Ryan 汤头条app

Support groups are an important part of recovery and social support. These groups are held by past patients or community members who gather to offer support in an online or in person group atmosphere. This listing has all groups available to past patients and the community.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

rainbow mountains

Listing: Respite Resources

This listing provides various resources for respite services for all ages. Respite is to support and relief the caring that is needed when a caregiver is not available. These programs support the relief for children through adult years.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

color symbols

Master Listing Index

Master Listing Index is a table of contents of all resources called Listings. This is a subject oriented index of resources most referenced for our patient populations in adapting and thriving with a disability.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item