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New Training has Loved Ones Helping Those Suffering from Aphasia
Just one month after giving birth, Ashley had two strokes. After being diagnosed with aphasia, she tries to find the right words.
Patient Story
Using a Mirror for Squat Exercises: Is There a Benefit?
New study suggests using a mirror during workouts has no effect on preferential loading.
New collaborative publication outlining the crucial role of cullin E3-ligases in muscle homeostasis and some caveats for cancer rehab.
Learn more about the new collaborative publication outlining the crucial role of cullin E3-ligases in muscle homeostasis and some caveats for cancer rehab.
In the News
Motor Cortical Representation of Reaching and Grasping
The foundation of our work has been for many years, the study of the brain's representation of reaching and grasping movements.
Research Project
Development of motor cortical interfaces for the control of reaching, grasping and locomotion
Using this neuroprosthesis to overcome the effects of a reversible nerve block that paralyzed muscles of the hand and wrist, monkeys were able to perform functional tasks, such as grasping a ball, almost as successfully as they did before paralysis.
Research Project
AI Won't Kill You, But Ignoring It Might Kill Your Business
Artificial intelligence is making our lives easier, but won't be a threat to human existence, according to panel of practitioners in the space.
Media & Public Relations
Find contact information for Public Relations team, as well as instructions for the use of our brand and logo.
Inspiration and Transformation
汤头条app and Pathways, will be joining forces as the Shirley Ryan 汤头条app thanks to a record gift from Shirley and Pat Ryan.
The neural control of internal joint integrity
This project examines how the nervous system activates muscles activations to minimize joint injuries.
Research Project
Cortically-controlled functional electrical stimulation for neurorehabilitation
We are attempting to restore motor function in animals following spinal cord injury using a neural engineering approach.
Research Project
Limb Motor Control Lab: Motor Cortical Representation of Reaching and Grasping
The foundation of our work has been for many years, the study of the brain's representation of reaching and grasping movements.
Research Project
Development of motor cortical interfaces for control of reaching, grasping and locomotion
Using multi-electrode array technology and the basic principles we and other labs have discerned through basic research, we are working to develop neural interfaces that allow us to read out detailed information about arm movements from the motor cortex.
Research Project