873 Results
Starfish and ocean beach

Emotional Adjustment to Life Changing Events

Someone who has a newly acquired physical condition goes through a range of emotional and physical adjustments. Changes in independence, appearance, relationships and ability to work, drive, and do normal activities at home are all typical and can lead to:

Media Type

Info Sheet

LifeCenter Item

black and white image of two older ladies

Licensed Nursing Homes in Illinois

Nursing homes in Illinois are provided on the Illinois Department of Public Health website. Searches for nursing homes can be done by the name of the facility or by city, county, or zip code.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

Life Center Image

Joes Journey

Joe's Journey” tells the story of everything that was lost that day of Joe's brain injury, but, more importantly, of all that survived.

Media Type

Online Video

LifeCenter Item

bubbles over a lake

Spiritual Care Communities Supportive to Inclusion

This is a list of spiritual care communities that support and assist people who experience challenges with inclusion such as gender, race and physical disability in an open and accessible way.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

Flat wheelchair icon with rainbow icons

Language - Etiquette Guides for Reference

A list of language etiquette resource guides to words, phrases and common courtesies that are most appropriate when talking with or about a person with a disability, and or gender pronoun guides, and using culturally sensitive respect in health literacy.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item


Friedman Place

Friedman Place is an assisted lifestyle community in Chicago for blind and visually impaired adults where self determination and independence are encouraged.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item


Lupus Society of Illinois

The Lupus Society of Illinois provides education and promotes awareness of lupus.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

Mountains Lake Header

Listing: Parkinson's Disease - Resources

There are many Parkinson's Disease community resources that can assist you in learning about the disease, other movement disorders, general medical issues, the latest research, and local support groups.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

photo montage of girl, teenagers, and wheelchair users

Listing: Youth with Disabilities Community Resources in Chicago

This select group of agencies provides support to parents of children with a disability in the Chicago area.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item


Illinois Department on Aging (IDOA)

The Illinois Department on Aging provides an intervention program and a variety of other services to help seniors who live at home that include hiring a caregiver, care coordination, transportation, and reporting elder abuse or neglect.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item