874 Results
abilitylab gardens

Aging Through the Lifespan

Aging across the lifespan addresses the inevitable of those who sustain life through the years. Aging may be more complex for persons who have experienced a traumatic physical event, have a congenital or acquired chronic condition.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

woman being pushed onto van ramp lift

Listing: Air Travel Resources for People with a Disability

A listing of resources that will help a person with a disability who may need special accommodations when doing extended traveling international or domestic.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

brain model

Listing: Traumatic Brain Injury Resources

List of traumatic brain injury TBI resources to assist patients and families with condition information.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item


Listing: Camps and Special Recreation

A listing of camps and special recreation programs in Illinois that include social clubs, sports teams, and opportunities for engaging with other people with live with a disability.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

pushing wheelchair

Listing: Caregiver Support Resources

This listing provides information on a variety of resources for support as caregivers travel through their journey, as well as hiring a family member as your caregiver and the support resources to aid them.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

wheelchairs at stair pyramid

Listing: Home Modification Contractors, Vendors and Funding

This listing of home modification resources supplies business contractors, vendors and certified aging in place specialists CAPS to assist in your changing home environment needs, including home financial options for people in Chicago.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

yellow houses mirrored image

Listing: Agencies for Housing Resources

A listing of housing options for people with disabilities looking for accessible housing. Agencies also serve the homeless.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

mountains and lakes

Listing: Mental Health and Substance Use Resources

Counseling services for mental health and substance abuse, are available throughout the Chicago area and nationally at major medical centers, mental health and substance abuse centers, and private practices.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

colorful healthy food choices

Listing: Diabetes Resources

This list of resources will support someone navigate a new and ongoing diagnosis of diabetes including limb loss, type 1 and type 2 diabetes myelitis for children and adults.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

rainbow moutain pine trees

Listing: Cancer Resources for Patients and Families

The listing of cancer resources consists of information on resources related to diagnosis, treatment, and next stages.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item